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Comunicare en MedC2 fusioneren

LUIK, 24 juni 2021 – Comunicare Solutions (kortweg Comunicare) en The Medical Cloud Company (kortweg MedC2) zijn gefusioneerd. Door hun middelen te bundelen, willen de twee Luikse start-ups hun capaciteit versterken om innovatieve oplossingen te bieden om...

Comunicare and MedC2 merge

LIÈGE, 24 june 2021 – Comunicare Solutions (in short Comunicare) and The Medical Cloud Company (in short MedC2) have merged. By pooling their resources, the two Belgian start-ups want to strengthen their capacity to provide innovative solutions to enable patient...

Comunicare et MedC2 fusionnent

LIÈGE, 24 juin 2021 – Comunicare Solutions (en abrégé Comunicare) et The Medical Cloud Company (en abrégé MedC2) ont fusionné. En mettant en commun leurs ressources, les deux start-ups Liégeoises veulent renforcer leur capacité à fournir des solutions innovantes pour...