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Liège, November 30, 2023 – In the face of COVID-19 and potential future pandemics, we needed a solution that empowers patients, aids healthcare professionals, and accelerates research efforts. Enter the Comunicare App, developed with the collaboration of patients and healthcare providers.

For Patients and Citizens:
Comunicare enables individuals to access personalised information and self-management functionalities, putting them in control of their healthcare journey. With this app, patients become active participants in their health journey.

For Healthcare Professionals:
A follow-up dashboard for caregivers that provides data and analytics based on patient-reported outcomes. The platform is envisioned to integrate in the future a multifactorial decision support system, facilitating the analysis of various data types.

For Researchers:
Comunicare aims to streamlines COVID-19 research studies through trial Patient Decision Aids, a patented-pending solution enabling patients to inform themselves about relevant clinical studies, compare them whenever needed with the standard of care and capture their preferences for a well-informed decision. The objective is for researchers to be able to conduct more efficient and accessible research, ultimately contributing to a better understanding of the virus and potential future pandemics.